GENERAL INFO (Jump to Diary)
Iceland or Ísland is a Nordic island country in the North
Atlantic Ocean, with a population of 357,000 and an area of 103,000 km2.
The capital and largest city is Reykjavík.
Iceland is volcanically and geologically active. The interior consists of
a plateau characterised by sand and lava fields, mountains, and glaciers,
and many glacial rivers flow to the sea through the lowlands. Iceland is
warmed by the Gulf Stream and has a temperate climate, despite a high
latitude just outside the Arctic Circle. Its high latitude and marine
influence keep summers chilly, with most of the archipelago having a polar
The Sagas of Icelanders say that a Norwegian named Naddodd (or Naddador) was
the first Norseman to reach Iceland, and in the 9th century he named it
Snæland or "snow land" because it was snowing. Following Naddodd, the Swede
Garðar Svavarsson arrived, and so the island was then called Garðarshólmur
which means "Garðar's Isle".
Then came a Viking named Flóki Vilgerðarson; his daughter drowned en route,
then his livestock starved to death. The sagas say that the rather
despondent Flóki climbed a mountain and saw a fjord (Arnarfjörður) full of
icebergs, which led him to give the island its new and present name
According to the ancient manuscript Landnámabók, the settlement of Iceland
began in 874 AD when the Norwegian chieftain Ingólfr Arnarson became the
first permanent settler on the island. In the following centuries,
Norwegians, and to a lesser extent other Scandinavians, emigrated to
Iceland, bringing with them thralls (i.e., slaves or serfs) of Gaelic
The island was governed as an independent commonwealth under the Althing,
one of the world's oldest functioning legislative assemblies. Following a
period of civil strife, Iceland acceded to Norwegian rule in the 13th
century. The establishment of the Kalmar Union in 1397 united the kingdoms
of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Iceland thus followed Norway's
integration into that union, coming under Danish rule after Sweden's
secession from the union in 1523. Although the Danish kingdom introduced
Lutheranism forcefully in 1550, Iceland remained a distant semi-colonial
territory in which Danish institutions and infrastructures were conspicuous
by their absence.
On 31 December 1943, the Danish–Icelandic Act of Union expired after 25
years. Beginning on 20 May 1944, Icelanders voted in a four-day plebiscite
on whether to terminate the personal union with Denmark, abolish the
monarchy, and establish a republic. The vote was 97% to end the union, and
95% in favour of the new republican constitution. Iceland formally became a
republic on 17 June 1944.
A geologically young land, Iceland is the surface expression of the Iceland
Plateau, a large igneous province forming as a result of volcanism from the
Iceland hotspot and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the latter of which runs
right through it. This means that the island is highly geologically active
with many volcanoes including Hekla, Eldgjá, Herðubreið, and Eldfell.
Iceland has many geysers, including Geysir, from which the English word is
derived, and the famous Strokkur, which erupts every 8–10 minutes.
Renewable sources—geothermal and hydropower—provide effectively all of
Iceland's electricity and around 85% of the nation's total primary energy
Around three-quarters of the island is barren of vegetation; plant life
consists mainly of grassland, which is regularly grazed by livestock. The
most common tree native to Iceland is the northern birch Betula pubescens,
which formerly formed forests over much of Iceland, along with aspens Populus
tremula, rowans Sorbus aucuparia, common junipers Juniperus communis,
and other smaller trees, mainly willows.
When the island was first settled, it was extensively forested, with around
30% of the land covered in trees. Today, many farms have been abandoned.
Three-quarters of Iceland's 100,000 square kilometres is affected by soil
erosion, 18,000 km2 serious enough to make the land useless. Only a few small birch stands now exist in isolated reserves.
The only native land mammal when humans arrived was the Arctic fox,
which came to the island at the end of the ice age, walking over the frozen
sea. On rare occasions, bats have been carried to the island with the winds,
but they are not able to breed there. Polar bears occasionally come over
from Greenland, but they are just visitors, and no Icelandic populations
exist. No native or free-living reptiles or amphibians are on the island.
Nowadays, the animals of Iceland include the Icelandic sheep, cattle,
chickens, goats, the sturdy Icelandic horse, and the Icelandic Sheepdog,
mink, mice, rats, rabbits, and reindeer, all descendants of animals imported
by Europeans. Around 1,300 species of insects are known in Iceland.
Birds are more common: Around 85 different species nest regularly in
Iceland, although around 330 have been recorded here since the settlement.
Most are sea- or beach birds, but here are also Ravens, Rock Ptarmigan,
Common Starling, Snowy Owl, Gyrfalcon, White-Tailed Eagle, several pigeons
and dove, Cuckoos, Swifts, Storks, Great Tit, Larks, Warblers, Swallows,
Osprey and quite some more.
Marine mammals include the grey seal Halichoerus grypus and harbour
seal Phoca
Iceland has 13,034 km of administered roads, of which 4,617 km are paved and
8,338 km are not. Route 1, or the Ring Road (Icelandic: Þjóðvegur 1 or
Hringvegur), was completed in 1974, and is a main road that runs around
Iceland and connects all the inhabited parts of the island, with the
interior of the island being uninhabited. This paved road is 1,332 km. I
have only spend a small car in myself, and might have to hitch-hike to a
sight or two - but it is a rental....
The flight, car and hostels are booked, now I just hope
the Covid-19 situation allows me to go on the 1/7-15/7 2021. Well, a few
days before I planed to reach the island, the rules changes: Now, the 2. Covid-19 vaccination have to be
given 14 days before entering, you have to present a negative PCR test
on arrival AND spend 5 days in quarantine. As mine vaccination is only 2 days old, I
have to spend 14 days in a special quarantine hotel.
Plan B: Leave one day before, and spend only one day in quarantine. Real
expensive flight by now, but I gain one - or
14 days! Just have to change
the train, car and hotels as well.
19C and a drizzle make it easy to leave the Danish "summer". I get the extra
day of car confirmed at the gate. Three hours in the air, passing northern
Denmark; Skagen. Pass the Faroe Islands. Then the glaziers of southern Island and blue and green
ponds and - lots of lava, and I'm in Iceland. One more hour, and I have
cash, a PCR-test and a fairly new Toyota Yaris. As I didn't have a credit card, only three debit
cards, I have to pay some sort of insurance, around 60.000 Icelandic kroner
- €400. Almost the same as the rent. Well, everything is expensive, so what?
I have to follow the highway to Reykjavik, and it leads
thought endless
lava fields, covered in blue lupines. Might look great, but
if you know it is an invasive species, brought from North America in 1945 in
the top-soil for the air-strip, is looses some of the attraction.
from the lupines, here are lots of lichen, some are bright white and covers
the boulders, making them look like snow. I reach Reykjavik and its modern
buildings. I have the code for the door, and my room number, and I go into
quarenteen. I thought I had
a electric kettle in the room, but no. I'm not supposed to enter the
kitchen, but I need some hot water for my instant noodles.
After a real long and pleasant chat with a German girl;
Ester, I
have eaten and got water for my tea. It is still 13C, but
cloudy. As I can't
leave the room, I just sit and work, while I await the result from the
Covid-19 PCR-test - hoping to get it soon, and visit the volcano with the
German before midnight.
At nine, I get the negative result, and stuff Ester in
the car, and head down south to the Fagradalsfjall volcano. A real
nice area with quite some Alpine flowers, and a black river of lava. The
entire area is warm, and in the cracks, orange lava can be seen, and a lot
of cracking can be heard.
We make a long stroll up towards the peak, but it vanishes in mist. It have
passed midnight when we return, but it is still kind of daylight.
I finish up diary and photos around 2;30, and grab some sleep. Photos of the
day in
Day 1 (opens in a
new window).
hours of death-like sleep, and it is time for adventure. The morning shower
is Icelandic: The cold water from a cold spring, great drinking quality. The
hot from a hot spring, having a bit of a sulphur ordure. I fill the tea-mug
and the car, and set off towards
Borgarnes. It is a
murky day, actually feeling darker than midnight. All attempts on making
photos from the car fails miserable.
I pass a six kilometre tunnel, but stick to
the coast most of the day. The city of Borgarnes
is not that interesting, but
they do have some old houses at the edge of town. Outside the town, they
have what they call a forest. Well, they are almost two metres... The
mountains are fare from tall here, and they are more or less covered in
grass - and lupines. Many waterfalls find their way down the slopes.
Here are some scattered sheep, quite some
Icelandic Icelandic horses but I only see two small herds of cows the entire
day. Next up the the wall of basalt columns at Gerduberg. Quite
impressive, especially due the the otherwise so flat area. While I'm out of
the car, I do some botanizing. Here are a lot of flowering
Here are hardly any settlement, but I do
spot a tiny wooden church from time to time. Along one stretch, the grass
field changes into figure-like lave, covered in a thick layer of lichen.
Further up the coast, I find
Gatklettur, which have some quite impressive rock formations covered
in nesting seabirds. I also find a nice, little waterfall.
sheep now tend to be found on the road, and in combination with the dense
fog in the high areas, it does make the driving challenging. The temperature
remains around 10C, but with the lack of wind, it does not feel that cold.
However, there are still snow found in some areas.
I reach the sea again in
the Snæfjellsjokull National Park, which look pretty much the same.
Well, except the real tall antenna, sticking up, into the skies. And only when I see the outer wires, I
realises how tall it is.
I reach Svødufoss at eleven, the sun start to peak through. The large
waterfall sits in the shadows, and I fail to talk myself into crossing the
river bare-footed - and -legs, to get closer.

head further up the
peninsular, and get to the 463 meter mountain of
Kirkjufell. However, the Kirkjufoss take all the attention.
Two sets of falls with direct sun on! The photos fail to document its glory.
I find the sea again, and walk to the beach. Or rather; fall, along with
some turf. The sand and rocks are made up by lava.
the peninsular
Snæfjellness, I find the cosy little town, and its Bonus supermarket. I stock
dinner and chocolate biscuits for lunch. The prices are surprisingly close
to Danish.

Is is a nice town, with many tiny wooden and colourful houses and a busy
harbour. One house even have a little rock-garden with flowers. I do a big
The last planned sight of the
day is
Eriksstadir, Eric the Red's old farm. Or where the remains were
found. A turf house, build as Eric's was supposed to look, if found nearby. I
get a extensive tour and lecture by a lovely geek.
It is almost five, when I head on, and it turns out the 300 kilometres to
the booked
hotel, can take five hours! Well, half is gravel roads. I end up
driving 666 kilometres today, around half on gravel.
I might speed a tiny bit, and
only stop at the mighty
Dunjandi waterfall. mainly because the sun is right on. A lot of
water is tumbling down a 100 meter almost vertical cascade. As I head on,
more and more snow are found in the ravines. I end up in a beautiful valley
Korpusalur with next to nothing in the gas-tank. I've been looking
fruitless half the day!
I try to cook some dinner fast,
and get to work, but it seems like everyone insist on talking with me.
Eventually, I finish half pass one, but only because I cut corners. It is
more light outside at midnight, as it was in the morning.
Photos of the day in
Day 2.
After fivers hours of sleep, I'm eager to see some more. The host lours
me to some breakfast, but then I set off. Well, I have to ask; Where do the
power socked in this house originate from? The came from the US under the
war, and the plugs was then made in Italy. I have never seen this type
before, despite I have visited 121 countries.
The car claim; it have gas for 0
km, but I manages to get it to Ísafjörður - probably because is is downhill
from the 6 kilometre tunnel, and I stop stopping for photos. The valley I
stay in, is absolutely gorgeous! Green grass with flowers, cut through by
blue creeks, surrounded by black, snow -covered and steep table-mountains.
The sun just add to the glory.
taking care of the car, I find the old part of this harbour-town.
Ísafjörður's old part is mainly right next to the sea, and here, many old
tin-sheets are more or less maintained, right next to the sea. I make a
stroll in the streets and along the beach, then a drive through the other parts.
Then I head back the way I came
yesterday, as I didn't have time to stop at some sights. Luckily, I did stop
at the Dunjandi waterfall, as it now is in the expected shadow. The GPS is
set for Bildudalur. It is yet another great
drive, through tall and steep
mountains and green valleys along the fjords. The road is only sealed for
some part, the rest rather rough. The tires on the car are slicks, and I
feel like driving on ice!
of the fjords are like a mirror, and I make a photo or two... Then I reach a
rather barren area, and I get the "highland-feeling", despite it is less
than 500 height. It is probably more the lava that make it less attractive
for plants, even lupines! Some of the creeks are lined with a neon-green
moss, which turns out NOT to be peat-moss.
is a
disappointment after Ísafjörður, but it was a nice drive to it. I make a
picture of the church and the sheets in the edge of town, before I continues
of an even more narrow and bumpy track. Here are a few scattered buildings,
some grass and huge mountains. Some of the beaches are strangely enough
golden, but the boulders and rocks almost black. The sun have vanished, and
I misses it! Not for the heat, but the colours.
plan was to go around the peninsular to see The Pink, The Golden and the
White Beach, but I forgot my Speedos, and 5-6 hours of driving on a crappy
road, don't tempt at all. I turn around, and head back home-wards.
I do
see a lot of sea- and beach birds all the time, but decided NOT to
attempt to get any photos. Even up here, whole mountain sides are covered in
I find Skrúður Botanical
Garden, dating back to 1909. It is tiny, but well kept, and I do some
loops. Then I head homewards, but do some walks, one at a river, covered in snow.
That causes for the traditional snowman - with a twist.
I'm home kind of early; at four, but I have a lot of different office-work
to deal with. Further more, I would like to avoid the toll-tunnel more than
once. Well, three times then? The house is nice and quiet at first, but
fills up. There are no vacant beds in the Westfjords at present time!
I finally get early to bed - while the house fills up. Photos of the day are
It is time to
open Diary 2, with the northern Iceland. |