Anomalluma mccoyi |
Ulrich Meve & Sigrid Liede
2002 |
Brachystelmas are transferred to Ceropegia by Bruyns, but not by me yet. |
barberae |
Joseph Dalton Hooker 1866 |
bracteolatum |
Ulrich Meve 1997 |
Brachystelma bruceae |
Robert Allen Dyer 1977 |
Brachystelma buchananii |
Nicholas Edward Brown 1895 |
Brachystelma caffrum |
Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1894 |
Brachystelma circinatum |
Heinrich Friedrich Meyer 1838 |
Brachystelma dinteri |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf
Schlechter 1913 |
Brachystelma festucifolium |
Eileen Adelaide Bruce 1938 |
Brachystelma filifolium |
R. Peckover 1996 |
Brachystelma foetidum |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf
Schlechter 1895 |
gondwanense |
A.Gholave, M.Sardesai 2016 |
Brachystelma gracile |
Eileen Adelaide Bruce 1949 |
Brachystelma longifolium |
Nicholas Edward Brown
1908 |
Brachystelma maritae |
Peckover 1996 |
Brachystelma nanum |
Nicholas Edward Brown 1908 |
Brachystelma meyerianum |
Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1896 |
Brachystelma ngomense |
Robert Allen Dyer
1977 |
Brachystelma plocamoides |
Daniel Oliver 1875 |
Brachystelma praelongum |
Spencer Le Marchant Moore
1902 |
Brachystelma pulchellum |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf
Schlechter 1895 |
Brachystelma pygmaeum |
Nicholas Edward Brown 1908 |
Brachystelma shrirangii |
A.Gholave, M.Sardesai 2016 |
Brachystelma stenophyllum |
Robert Allen Dyer
1971 |
Brachystelma tanzaniensis |
Ralph Peckover
2019 |
Brachystelma tuberosum |
Robert Brown 1822 |
Brachystelma vahrmeijeri |
Robert Allen Dyer
1971 |
Brachystelmas are transferred to Ceropegia by Bruyns, but not by me yet. |
Ceropegia africana |
Robert Brown 1922 |
Ceropegia ananthapuramensis |
Ramalingam Kottaimuthu, 2019 |
Ceropegia annamacharyae |
Ramalingam Kottaimuthu, 2015 |
Ceropegia barklyi |
Joseph Dalton Hooker 1877 |
Ceropegia bulbosa |
William Roxburgh 1795 |
Ceropegia campanuliformis |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia cancellata |
Heinrich G. Ludwig
Reichenbach 1830 |
Ceropegia cathcartensis |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia chlorozona |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia coddii |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia conrathii |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf
Schlechter 1905 |
Ceropegia discoidea |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia elliptica |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2018 |
Ceropegia floribundior |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia fortuita |
Robert Allen Dyer 1944 |
Ceropegia hirsuta |
Robert Wight & George
W. Arnott 1834 |
Ceropegia incana |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia inornata |
Patrick Siro Masinde 1998 |
Ceropegia kituloensis |
Patrick S. Masinde & Focke
Albers 2000 |
Ceropegia macmasteri |
Anthony Patrick Dold 2006 |
Ceropegia mahajanii |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
matthewiana |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
megamalayana |
Ramalingam Kottaimuthu 2019 |
Ceropegia megasepala |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia meyeri-johannis |
Heinrich Gustav Adolf Engler 1891 |
Ceropegia minor |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia modestantha |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia multiflora |
John Gilbert Baker 1869 |
Ceropegia nallamalayana |
Kottaimuthu 2019 |
Ceropegia oiantha |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia pachypodium |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia papillata |
Edward Brown 1898 |
Ceropegia purpurascens |
Moritz Schumann 1893 |
rapinatiana |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia remota |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia rendallii |
Edward Brown 1894 |
Ceropegia sahyadrica |
M.Y. Ansari & Balwant G. Kulkarni
1971 |
Ceropegia saldanhae |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia schultzei |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia seshachalamensis |
Ramalingam Kottaimuthu 2019 |
Ceropegia tenella |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
Ceropegia vartakii |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 2017 |
woodii |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1894 |
albersiana |
H. Kunze,
U. Meve & Sigrid Liede 1994 |
Cibirhiza dhofarensis |
Peter Vincent Bruyns 1988 |
Cibirhiza spiculata |
Mats Thulin & David Goyder
2009 |
andringitrense |
Pierre Choux
1923 |
Cynanchum bungei |
Joseph Decaisne 1844 |
Cynanchum lineare |
Nicholas Edward Brown
1897 |
Cynanchum wilfordii |
Joseph Dalton Hooker 1883 |
Fockea angustifolia |
Karl Moritz Schumann 1893 |
Fockea capensis |
Stephan F. Ladislaus Endlicher
1839 |
Fockea comaru |
Nicholas Edward Brown 1908 |
edulis |
Karl Moritz Schumann 1895 |
Fockea multiflora |
Karl Moritz Schumann 1893 |
Fockea sinuata |
George Claridge Druce 1917 |
cactiformis |
Darrel C.H. Plowes 1996 |
Marsdenia australis |
George Claridge Druce 1917 |
Matelea congestiflora |
Robert Everard Woodson 1941 |
cyclophylla |
Robert Everard Woodson 1941 |
Pentagonanthus caeruleus |
Arthur Allman Bullock 1962 |
grandiflorus |
Arthur Allman Bullock 1962 |
viridiflora |
Curtius Polycarp Joachim Sprengel 1824 |
Pseudolithos cubiformis |
Peter René Oscar Bally
1965 |
Pseudolithos eylensis |
Not yet, or
migiurtinus |
migiurtinus |
Peter René Oscar Bally 1975 |
Raphionacme angolensis |
Nicholas Edward Brown
1895 |
Raphionacme borenensis |
E. Retief & H.J.T. Venter 1983 |
Raphionacme burkei |
Nicholas Edward Brown
1907 |
Raphionacme dyeri |
E. Retief & H.J.T. Venter
1983 |
Raphionacme flanaganii |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1894 |
Raphionacme galpinii |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1894 |
Raphionacme globosa |
Karl Moritz Schumann 1893 |
Raphionacme haeneliae |
H.J.T. Venter & R. L. Verhoeven 1996 |
Raphionacme hirsuta |
Robert Allen Dyer 1942 |
Raphionacme lanceolata |
Hans Schinz 1888 |
Raphionacme longituba |
Eileen Adelaide Bruce 1937 |
Raphionacme lucens |
H. J. T. Venter & R.
L. Verhoeven 1988 |
Raphionacme madiensis |
Spencer Le Marchant Moore
1908 |
Raphionacme monteiroae |
Nicholas Edward Brown
1907 |
procumbens |
Richard Rudolf Schlechter
1895 |
splendens |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1895 |
Raphionacme utilis |
Nicholas E. Brown & Otto Stapf, 1908 |
Raphionacme velutina |
Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter 1895 |
Raphionacme vignei |
James Bruce 1936 |
Raphionacme zeyheri |
William Henry Harvey 1842 |
Ruehssia hilarian |
F.Espírito Santo & A. Rapini 2019 |
Ruehssia megalantha |
F.Espírito Santo & A. Rapini 2019 |
abyssinica |
J. T. Venter
& R. L. Verhoeven 1998 |
Schlechterella africana |
Karl Moritz Schumann 1900 |
elliptica |
Robert Brown
1810 |
Stathmostelma fornicatum |
Arthur Allman Bullock 1953 |
praetermissum |
Arthur Allman Bullock 1953 |