The stone was
accordantly to the manuscript "Fynske
Antiquiteter 1606" moved to Flemløse
cemetery of the parish priest Thomas
Nafnsen, who was vicar of Flemøse from 1553 to
1598, from a high "contrary to the Lamme Moses (Lambs marsh) garden". The
stone was later split and inserted into
the cemetery wall, but removed by king
Frederik VII in 1842 and led to
Frederiksgave, then later in 1854 to
Found: Flemløse
Kirke, Langgade 27, 5620 Glamsbjerg.
Present location:
Jægerspris Slot, Slotsgården 20, 3630
The stone is
granite, 175 centimetres high, 86
centimetres wide and 56 centimetres
thick. It was carved somewhere between
700 and 800.
The inscription:
"Æft Rōulf stændR stæinn sāsi, es
vas {nuRa} goði. Sattu syniR æftiR.
ĀvæiRR fāði."
Translated: In memory of Hróðulfr
stands this stone; he was {nuRa}-priest/chief.
Sons placed in memory. Ávarr coloured.