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Gnetum gnemon

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Large tree in Singapore ZOO.

And its strange looking stem.

And a close-up of the stem.

If I can't find seeds, I'll just do it by tissue culture! But it is still only a female...

Flatten and ready to be fried to a crispy snag in Indonesia.

Author: Carl Linnaeus, 1767
Family:  Gnetaceae
Habitat:   Assam, Bismarck Archipelago, Borneo, Caroline Islands, China, Fiji, Lesser Sunda Islands, Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Isslands, Philippines, Queensland; Australia, Santa Cruz Islands, Solomon Islands, Sulawesi; Indonesia, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam
Soil:   Mix-Peat
Water:   Medium-Maximum
Sun:   Medium
Height:  10-20 meters
Flower:   White
Propagate:   Seeds/Cuttings
Names:   Joint Fir, Melinjo, Belinjo
Synonyms:  Gnetum acutatum Miq. 1860.
Gnetum vinosum,
Elmer 1915.
Gnetum gnemon var. brunonianum, Markgr.
Gnetum gnemon
var. gracile, Markgr.
Gnetum gnemon
var. griffithii, Markgr.
Gnetum gnemon
var. tenerum, Markgr.

This member of the Gnetaceae was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1767. It is found in south-east Assam, through Malaysia and Indonesia to the Philippines and Fiji. It grows in a well drained peat with some to lots of water and some sun. It will grow up to 10-20 metres height.

Flatten and  fried to a crispy snag in Indonesia. Taste like tasteless dry pasta before the freeing. Afterwards, it is a crispy cracker with a bitter and unique taste. The young leaves, flowers and the fruits can be used in salads. The inner bark's fibres are used for weaving baskets and fishing nets.

The two centimetre fruits are a thin fruit-cover with a large seed. It is, just Gingko, a rather hard nutty-like seed.

Then I got stubborn and went to Indonesia to get some seeds.