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Stephania venosa

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This is the big male plant, 30-50 years old.
The caudex is 30 centimetres in diameter.  

The female plant I got is smaller, but still flowers.
It seems like the female is more rough in the caudex,
don't know if it's general.

The Latin name referring to its sap, which is blood-red.

Male flower.

Female flower.

The flowers starts, then follows the leaves.

Clusters of fruits

Where to buy it in Hong Kong 2000. 10 gr.=1 UK£

Author:  Curt Polycarp J. Spreng, 1827
Origin:  Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, Java, Laos, Malaya, Myanmar, Philippines, Sulawesi + Sumatera; Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam
Soil:  Rich
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  60 Centimetres
Height:  8 Meters
Flower:  Orange
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Clypea venosa, Blume.
Stephania prapatensis,
Often seen the invalid name: Stephania rotundifolia.

This member of the Menispermaceae was described by Curt Polycarp Joachim Spreng in 1827. It is found in southern Asia, where it grows in rich soil with some water and not that much sun. The flowers are orange, and it can also be reproduced by cutting. 

In Hong Kong its known as a medicine-plant which can cure almost everything from a cold to cancer! Quiet expensive, 10 gr.=1 UK£. The biggest ones was 60 cm in diameter, around 40 Kg! It didn't exactly fit in my hand-luggage.

The genera name after Stephan Ladislaus Endlicher, 1804-1849, an Austrian botanist who formulated a major system of plant classification. The species name referring to its sap, which is blood-red.

Male flowers.

Female flowers.  

The moon-seed. Grit 5mm.

Clusters of fruits.