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Dracaena draco

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A young tree on Gran Canaria.

I grow a plant for a few years: Then it got way too big!

The seeds.

The flowers by Dr Jeremy Burgess, Science Photo Library.

Medium size,
Gran Canaria.

The leaves are rather smooth, compared with those of Dracaena tamaranae.

The leaves are rather smooth, compared with those of Dracaena tamaranae.

300 year old tree is impressive!

Little but branched tree.

Really fat little plant.

Almost dormant tree on Lanzarote.

A tree on Fuerteventura.

Almost dormant tree on Lanzarote.

Almost dormant tree on Lanzarote.

Author: Carl Linnaeus, 1767
Origin:  The Canary Islands, Madeira, Morocco
Soil:  Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  1,5 Meters
Height:  20 Meters
Flower:  Crème Colour
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  Dragon Tree, Drago de Canarias, Dragon's Blood Tree, Sangre de Drago
Synonyms:  Asparagus draco, Linnaeus, 1762.
Palma draco, Mill.
Dracaena resinifera, Salisb.
Draco arbor,
Draco draco,
Draco dragonalis,
Drakaina draco,
Stoerkia draco,
Yucca draco,
Dracaena draco subsp. ajgal, Benabid & Cuzin.
Dracaena draco
subsp. caboverdeana, Marrero Rodr. & R.S.Almeida.

This member of the Dracaenaceae family was described by Carl Linnaeus in 1762 and
given this name by him in 1767. It is found on The Canary Islands, Madeira and Morocco, growing in a well drained soil with some water and lots of sun. It can grow to 20 meters in height and 1,5 meters in diameter, given 500 - 1000 years. I have read in other places it should be slow growing - it is fare from my experience! The flowers are crème coloured.

The genera name from Latin; drago; a female dragon. The species name is 'dragon' again.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Dracaenaceae is now part of the Asparagaceae.

Often used as garden sculptures, here on Grand Canary Island. Photo by Preben Leif Axelsen.

Medium sized trunk.

Trunk of a 300 year old tree, 120 cm across.  

Medium sides tree, Gran Canaria

Small part of the canopy on a 300 year old tree.

Gran Canaria has a lot of medium sized plants along the roads, in gardens and parks.

The fruits will turn bigger and red.

Bigger, but still not red.

Gran Canaria has a lot of medium sized plants along the roads, in gardens and parks.

Almost dormant tree on Lanzarote.

A tree on Fuerteventura.