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Cynanchum lineare

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Photo by George E. Schatz, MBG.

Author: Nicholas Edward Brown, 1897
Origin:  Northern Madagascar
Soil:  Mix
Water:  Minimum - Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  3 Centimetres
Height:  60 Centimetres
Flower:  White / Crème Colour
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  West Indian Swallow-Wort
Synonyms:  Metastelma lineare Bello, 1881.
Cynanchum lineare, N.E.Br. 1897.
Cynanchum lineare subsp. keraudreniae, Liede.

This member of the Asclepiadaceae* family was given this name by Nicholas Edward Brown in 1897. It is found in northern Madagascar, growing in a well drained soil with little water and some sun. The caudex can grow up to three centimetres in diameter, the vines can reach for 60 centimetres. The flowers are white and crème coloured.

The genera name comes from Greek kynos; meaning 'dog' and anchein; 'to choke'. The species name means ' linear' or 'lined'.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016 is Asclepiadaceae now part of the Apocynaceae.