LAURETTE E.U.R.L., Madagascar
Other Gardens, Collections and Nurseries

This giant nursery outside Antananarivo is mainly about Madagascar orchids and caudiciforms. Several shadow- and greenhouses houses a great collection of very interesting plants. All the buildings are brand new, and the plants are very well looked after. Beside from all the small seedlings (i.e. 20,000 Pachypodium of various  species), there are some huge mother plants. I visited in 2006.

I could spend days, trying to get photo of each genera.

Impatiens tuberosa.

The large shadowhouse are mainly orchids. From own tissue lab comes
80 species of Madagascar orchids in flask.

Zygosicyos tripartitus.

In the back there is a group on still unknown species.


Pachypodium brevicaule.

Outside are a bed with the real large plants.

Commiphora humbertii.

Operculicarya  sp. nova.

Cyphostemma elephantopus.

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