This botanical garden from 1967 is really packed! Although is not more
than one hectare with 1000 m2 glass-houses, it counts 10.000 species. It has a rather big and real
interesting shop, which is as crowded with plants as the rest. Their
seed list is extensive, and contains some real interesting species. It is known as VU Hortus,
and located a bit outside Amsterdam Centrum at Van der Boechorststraat
8, next to the Medical University. There is an other botanical garden
closer to centre: Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam from 1638, next to the ZOO
at Plantage Middenlaan 2a.
I visited in 2004.

Well, except from
the new bonsai garden, which display some beautiful, old bonsais.I did not get around
the garden with it's bamboo and other collections, but from what a
saw, it looked real neat.

The cacti/succulent
house is real heavy packed, but without the plants seems to suffer.
Nametags on all, from the floor to the above-head shelves.

Not that many large plants yet,
but the amount of different species make up for it.

like this Dioscorea elephantipes are found between the extensive
cacti collection. 20 more cacti photos on:
Cacti slide-show.

I am really amassed
over the fact, that they can keep that many plants with different needs
packed this way, and still having plants looking perfect!

Except for these two
cacti in front of some perfect Pseudobombax ellipticums.

This group of
Pachypodiums seems to do real well.

Like seeing my own
collection: A totally entangled mess of Cucurbitaceaes,
Raphionacmes, Fockeas, a Brighamian insignis and lots

Euphorbias in
any shape possible.

Didn't get time to
look closer to the bulb section, but is seems to be as interesting as
the rest. |