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Semele gayae

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The flowers by Ori Fragman-Sapir,

Author:  Sventenius & Kunkel, 1972
Origin:  Gran Canaria
Soil:  Rich
Water:  Medium - Maximum
Sun:  Medium - Maximum
Thickness:  25 Centimetres
Height:  3-7 Metres
Flower:  Greenish
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Danae gayae, Webb & Berthel. 1847

This member of the Ruscaceae  family was given this name by Eric R.Svensson Sventenius and Günther W.H. Kunkel in 1972. It is found on Gran Canaria, growing in a rich soil with quite some water water and some to lots of sun. The caudex can grow to 25 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to three or even seven metres in height.

The genera name from mythical mother of Dionysus. The species name after Claude Gay, 1800-1873, a French botanist and traveller.

The flowers are found on the middle of the "leaf", which actually is a branch, and they are greenish.

')Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Ruscaceae is now part of the Asparagaceae.