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Raphionacme lucens

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The branches by D. Styles,

A plant in culture from

The flower by D. Styles,

Author: H.J.T. Venter & R. L. Verhoeven, 1988
Origin:  Eswatini, N-E South Africa, S Mozambique.
Soil:  Sandy
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  15 Centimetres
Height:  30 Centimetres
Flower:  Greenish-Yellow / Maroon
Propagate:  Seeds
Names:  -
Synonyms:  -

This member of the Asclepiadaceae* family was given this name by Hendrik Johannes Tjaart Venter and Rudolf L. Verhoeven in 1988. It is found in the small area where South Africa, Eswatini and Mozambique meets, growing in a sandy soil with some water and some sun. The caudex can grow to 15 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to 30 centimetres in height. The flowers are greenish yellow and maroon.

The genera name from Greek rhaphis; 'beet-root' and akme; 'sharpness' possibly referring to the taste of the roots - haven't tried yet. The species name refer to the shining flowers.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Asclepiadaceae is now part of the Apocynaceae.