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Ornithoglossum undulatum

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 Photo by Cameron McMaster,

 A drawing by Edward Dalton Smith.

And another old drawing.

Author: Robert Sweet, 1825
Origin:   Namibia, South Africa
Soil:  Grit - Mix
Water:  Minimum - Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  5 Centimetres
Height:  5-20 Centimetres
Flower:   White / Purple
Propagate: Seeds
Names:  Wave-Leaved Bird's Tongue, Poison Onion, Cockatoo Snakelily
Synonyms:  Cymation undulatum, Spreng.
Lichtensteinia undulata
Melanthium undulatum
, J.W.Loudon,
Ornithoglossum glaucum
  var. grandiflorum, Baker.
Ornithoglossum glaucum
  var. undulatum, Baker.
Ornithoglossum lichtensteinii
Ornithoglossum undulatum
, Spreng.
Ornithoglossum viride
var. grandiflorum, T.Durand & Schinz.
Ornithoglossum viride
var. undulatum, J.F.Macbr.
Cymation laevigatum, Spreng.
Lichtensteinia laevigata,

This member of the Colchicaceae family was given this name by Robert Sweet in 1825. It is found in southern Namibia and western South Africa, growing in a well drained soil with little to some water and lots of sun. The caudex can grow to five centimetres in diameter, the entire plant from five to twenty centimetres in height. The flowers are white and purple.

The genera name from Latin; ornis; bird' and glössa; 'tong' referring to the petals. The species is named for its crisped or undulated leaves.

I think this must be a winter-grower, but it will probably grow when it is watered.

A flowering from