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Neorautanenia seineri

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The caudex by Roger and Alison Heath,

A wild plant by Roger and Alison Heath,

Author: Christo Albertyn Smith, 1932
Origin:  Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Soil:  Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  50 Centimetres
Height:  40-150 Centimetres
Flower:  Dark Blue - Mauve - Yellow / Green
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  -
Synonyms:  It might just be: Neorautanenia mitis, Verdc.
Dolichos brachypus,
Harms, 1899.
Galactia lugardii N.E. Br. 1909.
Dolichos seineri,
Hermann August Theodor Harms, 1911.
Pueraria rogersii,
L. Bolus, 1915. Neorautanenia coriacea, C.A. Smith, 1932.
Neorautanenia brachypus, C.A. Sm.1932.
Neorautanenia edulis,
C.A. Smith, 1932. Neorautanenia lugardii, N.E. Br. 1932. Neorautanenia rogersii, L. Bolus C.A. Smith, 1932.
Neorautanenia seineri,
Harms C.A. Smith, 1932

This member of the Fabaceae was given this name by Christo Albertyn Smith in 1932. It is found in Botswana, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe, growing in well-drained soil with some water and lots of sun. The caudex can grow to 50 centimetres, the vines from 40 to 150 centimetres. The flowers are dark blue or mauve, bright inside with a  greyish outside. Rarely, flowers are seen yellow.

The genera name from Greek neos; 'new' and Rautanenia is a genus in the Alismataceae family. The species name after Franz Seiner, 1874-1940, an Austrian journalist, traveller and collector.

Seen as a member of the Papilonaceae family.

Tribe: Phaseolea.e

The flower by Roger and Alison Heath,