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Dioscorea sansibarensis

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Author of this page: Panos & Stavros.

Photo by Panos & Stavros

Air-bulb by
Enrico Santimaria.

Leaf  by
Enrico Santimaria.

Author: Ferdinand Albin Pax, 1893
Origin:  Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Island, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe (Florida, Malaya, Taiwan)
Soil:  Mix - Peat
Water:  Medium - Maximum
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  6 Centimetres
Height:  7 Meters
Flower:  Greenish-Yellow
Propagate:  Seeds/Bulbs/Arial Bulbs
Names:  Zanzibar Yam
Synonyms:  Dioscorea macroura, Harms, 1897.
Dioscorea welwitschi,i
Rendle, 1899.
Dioscorea macabiha,
Jum. & H. Perrier, 1909.
Dioscorea toxicaria,

This member of the Dioscoreaceae family was described by Ferdinand Albin Pax in 1893. It is found in tropical Africa, Zanzibar and on Madagascar, growing in well drained or rich soil with some to lots of water and some sun. The bulbs can grow to six centimetres or more, the vines can grow to seven or even 25 meters. The flowers are greenish yellow.

Bulbils of this species are poisonous.

Dioscorea is named after Pedianos Dioscorides, a Greek physician if the 1st century A.D. The species name sansibarensis after Zanzibar, now called Unguja.

Photo by Panos & Stavros

New growth on air-bulbs by
Enrico Santimaria.