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Arracacia xanthorrhiza

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Author: Edward Nathaniel Bancroft, 1825
Origin:   Bolivia, Colombia, Peru (Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Venezuela, Caribbean)
Soil:  Rich
Water:  Maximum
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  10 Centimetres
Height:  100 Centimetres
Flower:   White
Names:  Arracacha, Racacha, Peruvian Parsnip
Synonyms:  Conium arracacha, Hook. 1827.
Arracacha esculenta, DC, 1829.
Bancroftia xanthorrhiza, Billb1833.
Arracacia andina,
Britton, 1891.
Bancroftia decipiens, R.K.Porter, 1838.

This member of the Apiaceae family was given this name by Edward Nathaniel Bancroft in 1825. It is found in Peru, Bolivia and Colombia - and now as a crop all over South America and the Caribbean, growing in a rich soil with lots of water and lots of sun. The caudex can grow to 10 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to 100 centimetres in height. The flowers are white.

I have to admit, it is a bit crop-like, but it is a biennial to perennial herb - just being used as a crop.

The genera name from the Peruvian name for the corp. The species name from xantho; 'gold-yellow' and -rhiza; 'root'.

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