This lovely botanical garden
covers an area of 3,25 hectares and have around 10.000 species on
display. It dates back to 1815. I visited in 2012. More photos can be found on
Botanischer Garten der TU Dresden.
Outside, an well maintained garden is
Here are numerous trees,
sitting wooden barrows.
Several small ponds add to the cozy
Large Opuntia collection outside. All
survived last winter with eight weeks below -20C
Although I were here a bit late in
the year, the annual garden was still impressive.
The tropical house have a large
Victoria and many other beautiful floating plants.
The subtropics house is a jungle, but
well kept.
Rare seen collection of aquatic
plants - real well maintained!
Personally, I love these terrariums
for displaying plants.
Several Myrmecodias.
Here are just so many plants in a
rather small area - but maintained so perfectly.
Nice flowering Hylocereus undatus.
The very nice cacti house.
A massive
Cyphostemma juttae. |