This big boulder of Tyren
found a few metres from the coast,
outside Store Fredsskov at Stensby, near
the highway E45 in the southern Zealand.
650 metres east of Fredskovvej 26, 4760
GPS: 54.965574, 12.010544 /
54°57'56.1"N 12°00'38.0"E
Size: 2,1
metres high, 3,8 metres wide and 4,3 meters
long. It is 12 metres in
Meaning of the
name: The bull. I have not been able
to find a name for it (except "The Big
Boulder"), and I named it
after the shape, compared with the
boulder next to it: The Hog.
Red Granite
Origin: ?
Legend: It was
thrown from Bogø towards Øster Egesborg
Kirke in a troll woman's sling, as she
was annoyed by the bells of the church.
Or by a troll from Bogø after a troll
woman on Zealand.

The stripes
are from seagulls....

From the

Fine Granite

Part of the

Right next
to is is the boulder of Ornen |