This big boulder of Klekkendehøj
found within a tomb near Askeby on
western Møn. The tomb is believed to
date from the Neolithic Age, ca. 4500
years old, and is one of the best
preserved of more than 100 burial mounds
on the island. It is situated a short
distance from the road between Tostenæs
and Røddinge. The tomb is a passage
grave, which means that the central
chamber within the mound is reached by a
connecting passage. Klekkende Høj is
unusual in that there are two entrance
passages running approximately parallel
to each other, facing east. Within the
mound is a central space running
approximately north-south, which is
divided through the centre by two large
stones. One passage enters each half of
the tomb. The entrance passages are
approximately 7 metres long and
sufficiently large for a crouching man.
The central chambers are each
approximately 4.5 metres long and
larger, but not large enough for a man
to stand. The chambers and passages are
constructed from large stones set on
edge, which support capstones laid flat
across their tops. The whole was then
covered by an earth mound.
As this stone itself was no recognised
by others, I too the liberty to name it
Klekkendevej 12, 4792 Askeby - and over
the road, 210 metres over the field on a
narrow path to the large burial mount.
GPS: 54.936201, 12.164227
Size: 1,2? metres
high, 2 metres wide and 3,7 meters
Meaning of the
name: Named after the tomb it is
part of, which again is named after the
nearby village.
Origin: ?
Legend: None
for the stone by it self.