From Diary 1 10. We leave the hotel at nine, skipping breakfast and head south with the Where the trails passes big roads, there are the most awesome bridges. One area is cut into small pieces but the longest canopy-walk I have ever seen. Unfortunately, the steel construction spoils the nature completely. There are really few people on the trails, and I actually think we see more animals. There
are tadpoles in the water, skinks on the ground and Calotes
in the trees. Some huge and real beautiful butterflies are seen, The park is just a small corridor on the map, but while walking through it, we rarely see any buildings. A few times, we get a view over a larger area, and skyscrapers and the harbour complex can be seen, along with other green areas. In general, I must say: This is a green city! Well, when we reach the other side, the massive building area reveals it selves. Sometime after eleven, I start to feel
this area is too large; I could do with some breakfast, but all I
can see is park! We turn off, just before we reach the northern end,
and find a Hortus Centre. It turns out to be the display ground for
some companies into plants and landscaping. The restaurant is
closed, and we flag-down a cap that brings us to the Botanical
Garden. We have tried the busses and MTR, now we need speed and
convenience! And the price is only twice of public transport's.
The entrance is free, and the garden is
huge! We start with breakfast, right inside. The entrance is
dominated with Christmas trees. They are decorated by embassies,
schools, companies, societies and alike. One of the better ones is
Kenya's embassy's, with toy elephants, giraffes, zebras, coffee bags,
safaris and much more.
The lawns are huge, the collections too,
but there are not that many name tags. Huge areas are more
park-like, but all are the best maintained I ever seen! Smaller
areas - but still large - are collections of special plants like
bonsai, ginger, desert, swamp, palms, bromeliads and especially:
Orchids! This is a special part, with an entrance fee of €3, but that is symbolic! The area is huge, and there are thousands and thousands of orchids. In total, there are over 3000 species/sorts, and there are hundreds of some species and sorts. There are even a house which are keep cold for the mountain plants! Here are also some carnivorous plants and fern-allied. I do a desperate
Some huge
peaches fall from a tree. they are almost like eggs, and I just have
to bring back a few. It is Callerya atropurpurea; Purple The bonsai collection is not
big, but there are some nice specimens among. Especially the
Wrightia religiosa; Wild Water Plum are nice. In one of
the building complexes, an huge tissue laboratory are producing
orchids and other interesting plants. It is made to be seen by the
public through large windows.
We end up at the main entrance again,
and I'm loured into a Le Royal chocolate cake once again. One of the
best cakes I ever had - and I have had my share! Morten looks like
he could do with something looking differently from plants, and we
take a cap to Mustafa Centre; a huge business complex next to Little
The prices on electronics are quite
similar to Danish internet based business', and we head on to some
daily good- stores. Here are I'm still looking for trousers. The
price starts on €3, and the quality is not that bad. It is the
length that causes the problems! End-up buying two pairs for €20.
The light starts to faint, and we find a nice Indian restaurant with
a enclose yard. Great food, and a reassembly price. We continues
through Little India, and then into Chinatown.
One mall is several covered streets, and
I find a Casio watch I've been looking for, at half price - and it
is We reach the hotel just before midnight, and I hurry to empty my camera's memory, and write a bit of diary. I have to admit I could do with four more hours to get the 550 photos sorted... But I need sleep even more! 11.
Rather early up, and out to find some breakfast. Then to the airport
with our luggage.
The first we meet are some Faulse Gaivals,
which ley right underneath us, while we walk on a canopy-walk-like
bridge. Then there are Asian Tapirs, Dear Hogs, White Tigers
(which I think they
In a huge
voliere, slots, fruit bats, butterflies, birds, Indri-Indri, fresh
water stingrays, colourful Along with the animals, there are
plants. Orchids, vegetables and fruits, grown in the region. Then we
reach the African savanna with giraffes, zebras, wildebeests,
rhinos, kudus, and much more.
A short brake with hot cocoa before we find a taxi to take us into Little India. We walk around for some time, and see how people are living here. In one square, a group of men are sitting, watching a film on a medium sized TV. We get well around before we find a nice restaurant. I get a whole chicken while Morten only have some of a lamb. Then we realise how late it has become, and rush towards the MTR to get the last train to the airport. We find our hand luggage, and I change into something warmer. We have half an hour before boarding, and then a long and eventless night flight directly to Copenhagen. Birthe are ready in front of the airport, and while we try to get over the temperature chock, we drive home. It have been two real intense and exciting days in Singapore, and all, for the price of 1500 kroner/€190 each.