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Neoalsomitra sarcophylla

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The caudex of a one year old cutting is one centimetre in diameter.

Photo by 奇想天外,

Author: John Hutchinson, 1942
Origin:  Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Lesser Sunda Islands, Myanmar, Philippines, Sulawesi; Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam
Soil:  Rich - Clay
Water:  Maximum
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  15 Centimetres
Height:  3-4 Metres
Flower:  Greenish-White - Yellow
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Zanonia sarcophylla, Wallich, 1831.
Alsomitra sarcophylla, M.Roemer, 1846.
Alsomitra philippinensis, Cogn.
Neoalsomitra philippinensis,

This dioecious member of the Cucurbitaceae family was given this name by John Hutchinson in 1942. It is found in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Lesser Sunda Islands, Myanmar, Philippines, Sulawesi; Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, where it climbs trees. The ground is a thin layer of peat with clay underneath. They get lots of water but just some sun. The flowers are greenish-white to yellow, the males in clusters, the female sit one by one.

The genera name from Greek neos, 'new' and Alsomitra, another genera in the Cucurbitaceae. The species name means 'flesh leaf'.

The flower from