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Dipcadi serotinum

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Photo of wild plants by Jean-Claude Thiaudière,

I think this is the fruits of it, found in Saudi Arabia.

I think this is the fruits of it, found in Saudi Arabia.

The flowers by Ori Fragman-Sapi,

A wild plant from the edge of  volcano on Fuerteventura.

Author: Friedrich Kasimir Medikus, 1790
Origin:  Algeria, Baleares, Canary Islands, France, Gulf States, India, Libya, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, West Himalaya, Western Sahara, Yugoslavia
Soil:  Mix - Grit
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  2 Centimetres
Height:  12 Centimetres
Flower:  Green / White - Pale Pink
Propagate:  Seeds/Bulbs
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Dipcadi serotinum var. fulvum, Ball.
Agraphis serotina, Heynh.
Hyacinthus lividus,
Hyacinthus serotinus L.
Lachenalia serotina,
Scilla serotina,
Ker Gawl.
Scilla sordida,
Tricharis serotina,
Uropetalon serotinum,
Ker Gawl.
Zuccangnia serotina,

This member of the Hyacinthaceae family was described by Friedrich Kasimir Medikus in 1790. It is found in Algeria, Baleares, Canary Islands, France, Gulf States, India, Libya, Morocco, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Tunisia, West Himalaya, Western Sahara and Yugoslavia, growing in a well drained soil with some water and some sun. The bulb will grow to two centimetres in diameter, the leaves to 12 centimetres in length. The flower up to 20 centimetres in height and it is green and white to pink.

The genera name from the Turkish name for the musk hyacinth. The species name means 'late in the year', blooming in autumn.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Hyacinthaceae is now part of the Asparagaceae.

An exposed bulb from Saudi Arabia.

Photo from Universitat de les IllesBalerns.