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Delosperma napiforme

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A big plant from

This might be photos of Delosperma bosseranum,
but my plant seems to get longer leaves, and I think it is D. napiforme.

One year seedlings with flowers.

Author: Martin H.d Gustav Schwantes, 1927
Origin:  Reunion Island
Soil:  Grit - Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  2,5 Centimetres
Height:  15 Centimetres
Flower:  White
Propagate:  Seeds/Cuttings
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Mesembryanthemum macrorhizum,
Delosperma macrorhizum,
Mestoklema macrorhizum
Schwantes, 1958,
Mesembryanthemum napiforme.

This member of the Aizoaceae family was described by Martin Heinrich Gustav Schwantes in 1927. It is found on Reunion Island, growing in grit or other well-drained soil with some water in summer and lots of sun. The flowers are white, and it can be reproduced apart from by seed, by cuttings as well. The caudex can grow to 2,5 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant reach fifteen centimetres.

The genera name from delos; visible' and sperma; 'seeds' as the seeds are visible in the capsules. The species name means 'turnip-shaped' for the root.

Seen on IPNI as a Ficoidaceae. Cactus Aventures International and Rowland and others clams it is a Mesembryanthemaceae.

The dry fruits pops open in seconds, when a drop of water hits it.