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Sinningia piresiana

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Photo by
Ron Myhr.

Photo by
Ron Myhr.

Author: Alain Chautems, 1990
Origin:  Sao Paulo, Brazil
Soil:  Rich
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Medium
Thickness:  12 Centimetres
Height:  25 Centimetres
Flower:  Pink / Maroon
Propagate:  Seeds
Names:  -
Synonyms:  Rechsteineria piresiana,  Frederico Carlos Hoehne, 1958

This member of the Gesneriaceae family was given this name by Alain Chautems in 1990. It is found near Sao Paulo, Brazil, growing in a rich but well drained soil with some water and some sun. The caudex can grow to twelve centimetres in diameter, the stems up to 25 centimetres. The flowers are pink and maroon.

The genera is named after Wilhelm Sinning,1792–1874, a gardener of the Botanische Gärten der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. The species name means 'from Pires'