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Drimia ciliata

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Nicola Van Berkel,

Wild plants by Nicola Van Berkel,

Another group of wild plants by D. Turner,

The flower by Marion Maclean,

Author:  J. C. Manning & P. Goldblatt,  2003
Origin:  SW South Africa
Soil:  Clay - Mix
Water:  Medium
Sun:  Maximum
Thickness:  2,5 Centimetres
Height:  1 Centimetres
Flower:  White
Propagate:  Seeds/Bulbs
Names:  Hairyfringe Squill
Synonyms:  Ornithogalum ciliatum, Carl von Linnaeus Jr, 1781.
Urginea ciliata
, John Gilbert Barker, 1873.
Urginea muirii, N.E.Br.

This member of the Hyacinthaceae* family was given this name by John C. Manning and Peter Goldblatt in 2003. It is found in south-western South Africa, growing in a well drained clayish soil with some water and lots of sun. The bulb can grow to 2,5 centimetres in diameter, the entire plant to one centimetres in height, although the leaves might be three centimetres long. The flowers are white.

The genera name from Greek; drimys; 'sharp' or 'cutting' for the pointed capsules. The species name for the  cilia 'eyelashes' on the edges of the leaves.

*)Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG IV 2016, Hyacinthaceae is now part of the Asparagaceae.

The flower by Marion Maclean,