I found this one in Oman, dry

I found only two plants in
Saudi Arabia, both looking great.

And the larger plant from
Saudi Arabia.

Another wild plant from Oman.

Within three years, I have
grown some to well over
one meter, 15 centimetres in diameter at
the base.

Young plant in Oman. |
Author: | Georges
Guerrard S. Perrottet, 1825 |
Family: |
Origin: |
Yemen, Dhofar; Oman, Saudi Arabia |
Soil: |
Grit -
Mix |
Minimum - Medium |
Sun: |
Maximum |
Thickness: |
Centimetres |
Height: |
3-5 (12)
Meters |
Crème Colour |
Propagate: |
Seeds/Cuttings |
Dragon Tree, Airoub, Der Südarabische Drachenbaum |
Synonyms: |
Dracaena serrulata subsp. dhofarica, T.A.McCoy &
Dracaena serrulata subsp. mccoyorum, Lavranos.
angustifolia Roxb. 1832?) |
This member of the
Dracaenaceae family was described by Georges Guerrard Samuel
Perrottet in 1825. It is found in
Northern Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia. It grow on rocky slopes in a well drained
soil with little to some water and lots of sun. The stem can grow to
35 centimetres in diameter - or more. In average, the small trees grow
up to three or five meters, but given the right conditions, it should
reach twelve meters.
The genera name from Latin;
drago; a female dragon. The species name means 'teethed, with
minute teeth'.
*Accordantly to the latest taxonomic system; APG
IV 2016,
Dracaenaceae is
now part of
the Asparagaceae. |